Cars or girls? A big dilemma: Spend serious cash on a killer ride, consequently, forcing you to live paycheck to paycheck to impress women. On the other hand, settle for a cheaper, enjoyable, yet reliable vehicle, leaving extra cash in your pocket to help you lead a stress-free social life. Being short of cash to go out with friends or to take that ski trip will soon get old.

A controversial and cheesy subject indeed, however, this question crosses the minds of many men. Therefore, someone in the automotive enthusiast community has to put this topic to bed, once and for all.

First off, owning random expensive cars do not automatically deliver you hot girls. While you’re out at a bar or nightclub, chances are that girls inside will never see your car. So the $30K+ you spent on your car that’s parked outside, that you shouldn’t be driving in the first place if you’re out drinking, just went to waste. On the contrary, a smart personality and style alone could land you the hottest girl in town. But who cares about that, we are car guys, we love cars as much if not more than girls!

Let’s take a step back to approach this dilemma a little differently. The real question should be, how can I have both at once, a nice car and women of my choice without sacrificing financially. It can be done, you should plan to have both, cars and girls.

In reality, what are the best cars for picking girls? Obviously exotic cars from the likes of Lamborghini, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Porsche… are among the best tools of the trade. Let’s be honest, not many of us can afford exotics with an over $200K base price. So let’s stick to what the mass can afford new, or used.

If you are a true car enthusiast, you would pick the fun factor in a car over the prestige factor. It’s a matter of choice that comes down to your personality, lifestyle, and wants. Most of us do not need the latest model vehicle with the latest gadgets. That is classified as a want and not a need. You have a choice to spend $30k-$50k on a car that you want. Alternatively settle for a decent $15k car that truely satisfies the driver in you, without putting you in deep debt.

A few years back a local radio station DJ, that I happened to listen to on my commute to college, mentioned that research showed BMW drivers experience more attention from girls than any other car brand on the market. Is that true today?

Recently, BMW topped the ranks as the worlds most valuable car brand, beating Toyota for the first spot for brand recognition. Mercedes-Benz ranked third on the list. Sure driving a regular Toyota is not the best way to get a girl’s attention. But brand recognition contributes highly to you being noticed rolling around town. Especially if you ride around with a BMW roundel, hopefully on the hood of your car, not in your hand.

Some relationship advice: If a girl would only date you if you drive an expensive car, you should reconsider dating her. Do not worry about what women want or like. Buy the car that gets you excited everytime you get behind the wheel, and forget about everything else.

Quick tip: Older big luxury vehicles will not attract the hottest girl on the block. So use common sense, and stick to medium sized vehicles and SAV’s (SUV in BMW speak). If you need help finding an affordable, fun to drive BMW, read the following BIMMERTIMES articles: Best BMW Under $15,000 and Best BMW Under $25,000.


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